Fifth World Coaching

Bridging Mind, Body, and Spirit through a Holistic Approach

What is Fifth World Coaching?

Fifth World Coaching is a holistic approach to harmonizing all aspects of one’s being; mind, body, and spirit (or soul). It is a grounded, fully embodied form of spirituality embracing raw physicality. The 5th world was prophesied by the Hopi as a shift in consciousness that would bring people back in connection with our Earth and a new way of being through remembrance of the old way. Our goal is to help facilitate this on an individual, family, and community level. Furthermore, to fully integrate and reach our full potential as luminous beings; a systemic, holistic, and comprehensive approach is required.

How we can help YOU!

Ø  Improve Posture & Biomechanics

Ø  Improve sleep and alertness

Ø  Burnout/Stress management

Ø  Weight loss/management

Ø  Pain management

Ø  Sport specific training (e.g. Ski, snowboard, golf, etc.)

Ø  Body Building/Body sculpting

creased sense of wellbeing and connectedness

What to expect

We will accomplish your goals through inter-disciplinary collaboration which we call surrounding the dragon and through my own expertise as a nurse, CHEK practitioner/holistic lifestyle coach, and experience in mental health and addictions. What we bring to the table is only a piece of the puzzle, your desire and motivation to bring about change is vital to accomplishing your goals and manifesting your unique, innate dream. I am here to guide you in this journey of ever growing awareness and discovery of the true self, which you may call inner-standing.